
Full Moon Ritual

Full Moon Ritual

Release negative attachments and realign.

During the full moon phase energy is high, and many people feel the gravitational pull of this phase. It can sometimes cause high emotions, unease, or a feeling of chaos, but rest assured this is just one of the many ways we can feel how interconnected we are with nature and the universe!

When the moon is full, it means the moon is on the opposite side of earth from the sun - this is why it shines so bright. So here on earth, we are right in between our moon and the Sun and all the energy exchanges that exist between them. In early human history, the full moon represented harvest, fertility, gratitude, and gathering - likely because early civilization could literally see eachother better at night during the full moon 🌝 . Today, we like to harness the full moon energy for all the same reasons, and also incorporate some negative energy release during the full moon phase.

Use the ritual below to tap into what’s holding you back this month, feel where it’s pent up inside, and then release it to the universe. This opens your heart up and frees your mind so you can really dance, celebrate, and allow abundance into your life!

You will need:

  1. Sage Bundle

  2. Smudge Bowl (not required, but safety first)

  3. Matches

  4. A quiet space

Full Moon Ritual:


  • Set up your ritual space and cleanse your energy with smoke from your sage bundle.

    1. Keep your sage smoking by gently blowing on it or relighting it as needed. Keep it safely resting on your selenite bowl.


  • Get grounded, relax into your breath, connect to the earth below and moon above


  • Ask yourself “What do I need to release?”

    1. Notice what negative experiences, beliefs, or memories come to mind.

    2. Allow time to listen, staying in the present moment

    3. Try to feel where this stuck energy is living in your body


  • Now, visualize yourself pulling any negative energy out of you, letting it go to the full moon above. Watch that energy travel away, carried by the sage’s smoke as you say “I release all that burdens me. My mind is at peace and my heart is open to receive.”


  • Finish by thanking the universe for her wisdom and guidance.

Love + Light, Moon Lovers!

Cat Brantley